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p iDiscovering your inner scientist./i /pp Every person is a combination of unique interests, knowledge, talents and skills. And inside every one of us is a scientist. /pp It's true -- there's a scientist in absolutely everybody. Not always a trained, professional one, of course, but a natural, inborn scientist. Think about Beatrix Potter, who, as a child, followed up her natural curiosity by boiling the flesh off dead animals so she could see how their skeletons were constructed. When Charles Darwin was young, he collected anything that caught his eye -- shells, rocks, and bugs. Trumpeter Louis Armstrong was a street kid who was captivated by the rhythm of music. /pp When you think about it, wondering, imagining and questioning are some of the behaviors we practice every day. From a very young age we reason, explore and come to understand the world around us, using the same tools scientists employ in their pursuit of new discoveries. /pp This fun, upbeat book shows that scientific thinking is natural, exciti